Safeway workers face risks every day when they go to work. Most of them are unable to afford to be off of work if they’re seriously injured on the job. That’s why workers’ compensation insurance coverage is required of every California employer. Along with other damages, it contemplates an injured employee’s medical bills and lost earnings while he or she is recovering.
Some Common Injuries at Safeway Stores
Safeway cashiers, stockers and deli employees often run a high risk of being injured at work. Many stores are understaffed, and because of that, the chances of an employee suffering an injury while on the job increase significantly. Here are some of the more common injuries that grocery store workers suffer:
- Slip-and-Falls and Trip-and-Falls: Wet floors, spilled merchandise and floor mats all put Safeway workers at risk of slipping or tripping and falling. Stockers must also climb ladders for purposes of constructing displays or placing merchandise on shelves. They risk falling from those ladders and injuring themselves.
- Repetitive Motion Injuries: Repetitive tasks like reaching for merchandise, scanning prices or bagging groceries over the course of many shifts can cause inflammation of the median nerve and carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Lifting Injuries: Stocking a Safeway’s shelves requires an employee to lift heavy boxes of merchandise, bend twist and work in awkward positions. Not only can back sprains and strains occur, but more serious spinal disorders can result from lifting that require surgery.
- Struck by Objects: Boxes of canned goods or other products are heavy. Severe injuries can be suffered if a worker is hit by a box of goods.
- Cuts and Lacerations: Deli workers handle sharp knives and work with sharp automatic cutting and slicing machines. Butchers are at particular risk of severe injuries.
The Insurance Company’s Objective
Like any other business, an insurance company is going to try to protect its bottom line. When claims arise, the insurer will try to pay out as little as possible or even nothing. Two common defenses in workers’ compensation cases are that an employee’s accident didn’t occur in the course and scope of his or her employment, or the nature and extent of the injury isn’t as severe as alleged. Given the complexities involved in workers’ compensation law, a claimant won’t be helping himself or herself out without the benefit of an experienced and effective Sacramento workers’ compensation lawyer.
How We Can Help
When you’re struggling with an occupational injury and representing yourself, your opponent is Safeway’s insurer. Its staff and lawyers are in the workers’ compensation system on a daily basis, and they’re saving money for the insurance company every day. You’re no match for their attorneys. You simply don’t know the applicable laws, and you’ll be doing yourself a disservice by trying to push your own claim through. We deal with the complexities of the workers’ compensation process on a daily basis too. We can help you pursue all of the benefits available for your injuries.
Contact a Sacramento Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
In almost all cases when someone is injured on the job, the worker will get the best possible outcome by hiring an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer.
After being seriously injured at work at Safeway, report your injury to your supervisor, and if you’re physically able to do so, complete a DWC 1 form. Retain a copy of that form, and seek immediate medical attention at a local emergency room. Upon being discharged, follow all instructions from emergency room personnel. Then, contact a Sacramento Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for a free consultation and case review. If we’re retained to represent you, our objective will be to obtain the maximum workers’ compensation benefits for you that you deserve.